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Extraordinary executives for challenging times

We place executives of the first and second management level for interim management and project management tasks. We have been doing this for more than 25 years in Switzerland and internationally.

For sustainable solutions

Our managers achieve the highest level of satisfaction with major problems during a relocation, a reorganization, a turnaround or a large-scale project in distress.


Inquired by our customers

"Benefits of an interim assignment" - Antje Kanngiesser, CEO Alpiq

Our Services

Interim Management

The interim manager delivers to the busi-ness the needed experience, the essential knowledge and the desired skills. He is available immediately and remains in charge just for the necessary time. He assumes the responsibility and the leader-ship of the mission. He leaves as soon as success has been achieved and things are back to normal. In the network of Top Fifty, you will find a large number of very well qualified and carefully selected managers from different industries with various experiences.


Project Leader

The project leader assumes the leadership of a project in difficulties and brings it back to course. His management responsibility takes place when the wanted project manager in not available internally. He leaves as soon as the project is finished. The project managers in the Top Fifty network are searched according to three scriteria (project experience, specific knowledge and industry knowledge) and matched with the tasks which the client has set.


Business Coaching

Business coaches act as a sparring partner on an equal footing. Bringing considerable leadership experience and mature insights, they offer a fresh pair of eyes and open up new options on specific management topics and decisions. They are on hand when a practitioner’s outside expertise is called for or a client wants to explore possibilities that break out of their company’s own mindset. Business coaches are experienced interim or project managers, who can be hired for very brief periods, at short notice.


Qualified first contact

Finding the right manager in the right moment. TOP Fifty delivers proactive interim manager / CEO a.i. and project leaders

Why TOP Fifty manager?

TOP Fifty managers are selected among strict and prooven criterias. Knowing the best fit for specific situations and problem solving scenarios. Experience and empathy enables us to understand your challenge and offer you the best interim manager.

Pierina Tannò
Managing Director TOP Fifty

New ways and proofen concepts

Quick understanding and empathy for our customers - we understand your situation and can act immediately.

Produktionsprobleme nach Standortwechsel

Der Bezug des neuen Standortes mit neu erstelltem Fabrikationsgebäude verlief nicht wie erwartet. Kaum eingezogen, häuften sich Qualitäts- und Lieferprobleme. Das führte zu einem grossen Aufruhr und Diskussionen bei den Kunden. Wie unser Interim Manager Prozesse rasch in Ordnung brachte und die Liefersituation sukzessive verbesserte.

Interim Managerin oder externe Beraterin?

Wenn es um die Entwicklung einer neuen Kommunikationsstrategie geht, ziehen Firmen gerne externe Berater:innen bei. Doch vielleicht wären Sie besser beraten mit einer Interim Management-Lösung. Unser Fallbeispiel zeigt, warum.…

Scandal in a community: How an Interim Manager restored trust and motivation

The tasks of our Swiss municipalities are becoming more complex. They face economic, social and planning challenges. Municipalities therefore need strong leadership with a clear vision and municipal employees who are motivated to tackle tasks and projects. But what happens when employees are disheartened, frustrated and insecure due to weak leadership? There are resignations at…

Our Team

We give everything so that you can achieve your corporate goals with confidence and security.

Pierina Tannò

Pierina Tannò

Managing partner
Natalia Winterberger

Natalia Winterberger

Gabi Neuner

Gabi Neuner

Office- & Project Management
Dr. Robert Sala

Dr. Robert Sala

Associate Partner
Urs Tannò

Urs Tannò

Senior Partner

Our Clients