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 Interim Management as a Strategic Task of the Management Board

Interim Management as a Strategic Task of the Management Board


Interim management should not be viewed solely as a short-term solution for staffing shortages, but rather as a strategic tool. This strengthens the management team’s ability to act flexibly, efficiently, and innovatively. Here, you will learn why it is worthwhile to build a trusted relationship with an interim management provider even in times of stability.

 Interim Management as a Strategic Task of the Management Board

When a senior executive suddenly fell ill, Alpiq CEO Antje Kanngiesser and her leadership team were relieved to be able to turn to their trusted interim management provider. She knew exactly what steps to take to quickly fill the gap with an appropriate leader. She understood the questions that needed to be asked, such as what kind of personality the interim manager should have, what expertise and leadership skills were required, what the situation entailed, and how the onboarding process should unfold.

This wasn’t the case during her first collaboration with an interim manager. She was uncertain: 'Will the provider deliver the right match? Does the interim manager have the necessary experience? Is the chemistry right? Does the candidate fit our culture? How competent are they?'

To avoid such uncertainties, it’s crucial to engage with an interim management provider well before a real need arises. It’s valuable if the provider understands the company, its culture, and the personalities of the clients and leadership early on. They should feel the direction the company is currently heading in and get to know its history.


Careful planning, clear goal setting

Ensure that the process with a provider is structured and transparent. Through clear goal setting, careful selection, effective onboarding, and regular monitoring, interim managers can provide significant added value. We are happy to provide you with this guide.


1.    Needs Assessment and Goal Setting

Why do you need an interim manager? For a specific project, a short-term vacancy, to manage a crisis, or for a transformation process. Be clear about which tasks need to be immediately taken over by the interim manager and what challenges must be addressed. Clearly define your personal expectations as well as your objectives.


2.    Selection of the Right Provider

What reputation and experience does the provider have? Do they have an extensive network of qualified interim managers? The individuals selected for your project should not only be experienced but also able to understand and integrate into your company culture. A good provider knows their interim managers well and understands how they perform. If necessary, request references and success stories from previous clients to assess the provider’s credibility and effectiveness.


3.    Requirement profile

Together with the provider, you note down the qualifications, experiences, and soft skills that the interim manager should possess. Ensure that the provider understands the requirements and the culture of your company.


4.    Candidate selection and presentation

Review the provider's pre-selection. Conduct interviews with the selected candidates and check the references of the chosen candidates


5.      Vertragsgestaltung und Vergütung

Klären Sie die Vertragsbedingungen inklusive der Laufzeit, der Aufgaben, Verantwortlichkeiten und der Berichtsstruktur. Vereinbaren Sie ein transparentes Vergütungsmodell und stellen Sie sicher, dass Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen getroffen werden.


6.      Onboarding und Integration

Planen Sie eine Einführungsphase und stellen Sie der Interim Managerin alle notwendigen Informationen zur Verfügung. Informieren Sie intern über die Position, die Rolle und die Aufgabe der Interim Managerin. Die Mitarbeitenden müssen vom ersten Tag an genau wissen, wozu der sie da ist. Etablieren Sie klare Kommunikationswege und regelmässige Abstimmungsmeetings, auch mit dem Provider.


7.     Project management and monitoring

As an operational leader and often a member of the management team, regular monitoring is carried out by the interim manager. They regularly review agreed-upon goals and milestones. Evaluate the progress and make adjustments as needed.


8.     Completion and handover

The interim manager and the provider take an active role in the mandate review. It is especially important for the provider to check if a good job was done. Together, they reflect on the achieved results and the overall success of the assignment. Ensure an effective knowledge transfer and document important insights contributed by the interim manager



Interim managers in an international context

Companies often face challenges that span multiple countries and regions. From compliance with legal regulations to market entry strategies, these issues require a comprehensive understanding of different environments. Providers like Top Fifty have the cross-border capabilities to seamlessly integrate local insights into global strategies and deliver solutions that are both effective and sustainable. Ensure that you deploy a person from the same linguistic and cultural background in an international context. For example, the management at the Czech production site of the company should appoint an experienced Czech manager. This person understands the culture and language of the employees, allowing them to quickly identify difficulties and areas for improvement.


Top 50 Interim Management

As an internationally active partner, Top Fifty provides high-quality and experienced executives to industrial and service companies as well as administrations. Several hundred clients from various industries have already been supported by Top Fifty interim managers. Experienced individuals from the first and second management levels in many industries are quickly available for your assignment. We invest a lot of time in recruiting new candidates for Top Fifty interim managers. Top Fifty interim managers are also deployed internationally. The headquarters are located in Switzerland. Our intermediaries have been successful at the highest management level for many years. This ensures a quick clarification of the situation and task definition with the client, so the most suitable interim manager can be found quickly. 


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