If the liquidation of a department, a location or an entire company is inevitable, it is not only important to consider many legal details, but also to organize the sale of movables, real estate and, if need be, know-how in the best possible way.
We asked Stefan Schürpf, associate partner and specialist in liquidations, what he deems especially important in the process.
Which traits characterize you?
Commitment and a very high level of practical relevance. Over the course of 25 years as an employee and manager I got to know six food companies profoundly and was able to achieve a lot in various roles, from production assistant to CEO and board member. Since 2016 I have been slipping back into one of these roles very quickly during the interim mandates, with transfer knowledge and a vital network allowing me to take on responsibility after a few days.
Why are you especially well-suited to comment on the issue of "operational implementation of liquidation"?
Because I have already provided organizational support for many liquidations. Interim managers take on the organizational lead in liquidations and ensure that they are handled correctly for all stakeholders. We always work with a lawyer who can also be appointed from our ranks, if desired. Because we are neither burdened nor part of the problem, it is easier for us to sketch out “out of the box” solutions. We are used to presenting the hard facts with ruthless candor and prepared to take on unpleasant roles in the process.
Liquidation can also provide a fresh start. In your experience, what points prove to be essential to the process?
It is always important to know from the beginning whether our customer's decision to liquidate has been irreversibly made, or whether he would like us to make an independent assessment with a recovery plan. Once the decision to liquidate is final, it is a one-way street that has to be traversed quickly.
However, liquidation is not just about the structured and managed “dissolution” of an organization with its processes and the utilization of assets. Rather, liquidation offers the chance of a new beginning. In this way, people or even whole departments, as well as means of production, are granted a new life in a new constellation. For example, I have already been able to sell entire production lines with their machine operators to a competitor. They have been able to integrate the know-how of the well-rehearsed team exceptionally in their production halls and have thus improved their market position. The most important ingredient: the motivation of the employees concerned. This can only be maintained through good leadership and communication.
A company, like any living being, has a limited lifespan. Once this has been achieved, liquidation is deliberately chosen for dissolution. The challenge of creating the best and fair conditions for all concerned requires a professional approach. Interim managers from Top Fifty bring exactly this practical knowledge with them and thus quickly achieve good solutions in such a case. We quickly and easily provide you with experts who support you in mastering such challenges.
office@top50interim.com / +41 41 412 02 02
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